Monday, July 11, 2011

Bad Choice?

I love writing!  It is not unusual for my students to hear me say, "Some day I will write a book, but until then, I am going to teach you to write."  That being said, I am not quite sure how I feel about this "blogging thing".  After being a secret follower of some of my cousins, sisters, and friends' blogs, I decided maybe this could be a place to practice my writing.  I hope to use this as a source to share my faith, inspirations, dreams, heartaches, and whatever else happens upon my heart.  I am secretly okay with not having any followers, in fact I will candidly admit that this blog of mine is more for me than for you, of course, if you find yourself interested or intrigued by my random blogging, I am happy to invite you into my little piece of the world.