Technology has us able to share our thoughts, good or bad, in a heartbeat. In a moment of irritation, anger, ditziness, annoyance, or joy we can express our emotions with a single keystroke. As we post our thoughts in the name of expressing ourselves, we have the power to alienate or anger, bring to tears or bring to laughter, those who are our friends on facebook.
You may be wondering where I am going with this, well my past moments of self expression will soon be yours to read. Once a week facebook asks me if I want to switch to timeline. Recently I have noticed a lot of my friends have made the switch so before taking the plunge I have scrolled their pages to check out what this "timeline" entails. This is how I discovered how quickly I can dive into anyones past. That scared me. This may surprise some of you who may think of me as a pillar of female virtue and faultless living...just kidding, I am sure you all know me better than that. Anyway, as I thought about the ghosts of my past being available for all to see with one click of their mouse I couldn't help but cringe. It seems that although I am okay with talking about the ghosts of my past I am not so okay with someone seeing them and reading them first hand. You see when I talk about my ghosts I am able to paint to the audience a picture that makes them feel compassion for why I made the choices I did. Whereas if you were to discover them on your own I fear your rejection and your disgust with my choices.
My solution to this problem was to spend the last hour going back into my facebook history and deleting any and all comments I thought someone might find damning. As I finished I found my thoughts muddled with the choices I had made years ago, and then was reminded how those choices were forgiven and forgotten by the one who matters most. How easy it was to be drawn into worrying about what man thinks of me, how silly to put so much effort trying to paint this spotless image to my "friends" on facebook. It does not matter what man sees because when my heavenly Father looks upon me he see me as spotless, not because I was able to successfully go back and delete messages, but because of the work of Christ on the cross. His voice resounds through the ages, "It is finished" Christ has won, our sins are white as snow, thrown as far as the east is from the west! Believe it, claim it, live it, what we have done was forgiven before we even did it! How great is our God! How wonderful to be a part of His timeline!