I didn't sleep well last night. I tossed and turned, I dozed in and out of rest. Not sure if my body ever reached that elusive state of REM that medical professionals claim we need in order to wake feeling well rested. So, when I woke up this morning feeling slightly fuzzy it didn't take much for me to go from fuzzy to frazzled. While picking up I struggled focusing on one task, I found that I forgot to wash my paint clothes, I decided to wear them dirty. While starting a load of laundry, I realized I forgot to pick up a check that needs to be deposited today. I then remembered I was supposed to take the Nisu out of the freezer for a retirement party. When I went downstairs to take the Nisu out of the freezer I decided I needed a cup of coffee to smooth my already frazzled nerves, it was then I realized I forgot to descale(clean) my coffee maker. My vinegar(used to descale my coffee maker) is kept in the basement, so I headed downstairs. I flipped on the lightswitch, the light bulb had burnt out. I found the biggest flashlight, hit the button, the beam of light came on and slowly began to fade, great, the batteries are dying (note to self: buy batteries before Hurricane Irene hits). I finally got the light bulb changed and headed up the stairs. Apparently New Hampshire's state safety codes for stairs don't account for short people, I didn't left my foot quite high enough and I tripped going up the stairs. I managed to keep my language appropriate and simply exclaimed, "What the flip?!"
Needless to say by the time I sat down to breakfast with My Upmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers, I was feeling like my upmost was not up but rather low. But God had a nugget of truth for me.
Today's scripture reference was from John 14:27. "Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you." My morning wasn't terrible, I didn't have a lifechanging incident happen. I experienced some day to day frustrations. Yet even on these days where nothing seems to go right, Jesus says, He has peace for me! What a gift, the sense that despite (or in spite of) our daily trials and ups and downs, we have peace at our finger trips, an opportunity for an untroubled heart, a smile instead of a frown. Praying all my readers will pray for that peace that Jesus says He will give to you! For he also says, as Mr. Chambers so kindly reminded me, "Let not your heart be troubled."
As for me, next time I trip up the stairs I can do it peacefully, may be I won't even say, "What the flip!?"